Cleansing Ingredients for Your Body

May 2, 2020
Shanna Windle

Super Cleansing Ingredients for Your Body:

Imagine if you could eat your way healthy. There are so many toxins in this world. Toxins and pollutants are unavoidable, and it is inevitable that will you will either consume them, absorb them, or breathe them in. However, something as simple as eating healthily can help rid your body of these toxins. Here are a few foods that aid in natural detoxification.


Artichokes support liver function, one of the primary organs in removing toxins from your body. Artichokes activate the liver’s production of bile, and bile assists in the breakdown of foods, helping your body absorb the nutrients. Artichokes are also loaded with fiber, protein, and vitamins and minerals such as magnesium, folate, and potassium.


Asparagus helps detoxify the blood and slows the aging of your organs and body. It is also anti-inflammatory and can also help ward off some cancers. One of its primary detoxifying functions is draining the liver of the toxic materials it has filtered out of anything you have consumed.


Garlic boosts the immune system and supports the liver. It is a popular ingredient in many recipes.


Ginger also helps the liver. Just like garlic, you can add it to various foods or you can add it to your detox drinks. Chewing ginger can help if you are suffering from a fatty liver or if your body is concentrated with toxins.

All you have to do is cook with these foods or add them to a sauté, or make a roasted vegetable dish with them. Oh, I love sautéed asparagus with ginger and garlic.

Keeping your body free of toxins and free radicals is necessary to maintain a healthy life and a healthy mind. Add any of these foods to your regular diet to help your body with its critical detoxifying processes.

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